In 2005, I read Richard Register’s Ecocities in my community development class and just a few months later began as a student intern. The world has made much progress with the...
Category - Ecocity World Summit
Three Days of Sessions at Ecocity 2017
Day One We gathered at the Melbourne Convention Centre for the Ecocity World Summit in a place where for over the tens of thousand of years the Kulin First Peoples have lived as...
Sustainable Melbourne – A Personal Journey during Ecocity 2017
Deciding on whether to join my husband Sven on a work trip to attend the Ecocity World Summit in Melbourne, Australia this summer, a handful of pros outweighed the cons rather...
Ecocity Standards, Indicators and Performance Benchmarks
The Ecocity Standards describe 18 conditions of an ecocity ( Indicators are used to measure the condition being described within each standard and...
Christie Walk: Exploring Density by Design
The upcoming Ecocity World Summit will be held in Melbourne, Australia. Australia is home to some of the world’s leading ecocity thinkers and doers, including Paul Downtown...
Postcard from the Ecocity World Summit: Abu Dhabi, yes. Masdar City, for sure!
Last month saw the 11th edition of our International Ecocity Conference Series that was first held 25 years ago in Berkeley, California and since has traveled to cities across...
Ecocity World Summit Profile: Aziza Chaouni
The Ecocity World Summit in Abu Dhabi will take place October 11-13th of 2015 Aziza is the principal of Aziza Chaouni Projects (ACP) based in Fez, Morocco and Toronto Canada...
Ecocity World Summit Profile: Walter Hood
The Ecocity World Summit in Abu Dhabi will take place October 11-13th of 2015 Walter Hood is an Oakland, California USA-based designer, artist and educator. He is a professor at...
Ecocity World Summit ’15 Profile: Debra Efroymson
The Ecocity World Summit in Abu Dhabi will take place October 11-13th of 2015 Debra Efroymson is Regional Director of the Canadian NGO HealthBridge. She has been living in...
Exploring Ecocity Standards through Ecocity World Summit 2015
The world of Ecocity practitioners will once again converge this fall at the biannual Ecocity World Summit. The Ecocity World Summit 2015 will be held October 11...