The International Ecocity Standards revolve around four pillars, and at the base is the pillar...
Author - Jennie Moore
Reconciling the Climate Emergency to the Reality of Cities as...
Last April, Earth Day celebrated its 50th anniversary. Since its inception, the world has...
Connecting Ocean Plastics to Cities: Exploring Responsible...
The International Ecocity Standards identify Responsible Resources/Materials as a bio-geophysical...
Importance of Nature-Based Solutions for Ecocity Urban...
This is the first year of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration. The Decade officially launches...
Ecocities Now: building the bridge to socially just and...
We are pleased to announce the publication of Ecocities Now. The purpose of the book is to publish...
Paris is Mainstreaming Ecocity Concepts
by Jennie Moore, Director, Institute Sustainability at British Columbia Institute of Technology...
Healthy Food, Soils, and Climate
by Jennie Moore, Director, Institute Sustainability at British Columbia Institute of Technology...
Ecocity Builders and the BCIT Centre for Ecocities win...
by Jennie Moore, Director, Institute Sustainability at British Columbia Institute of Technology...
Using the International Ecocity Standards to Achieve the UN...
by Jennie Moore, Director, Institute Sustainability at British Columbia Institute of Technology...
Covid 19, Sustainable Lifestyles, and Impacts on Earth’s...
by Jennie Moore, Director, Institute Sustainability at British Columbia Institute of Technology...