Stockholm’s won its position as a sustainability leader by starting early and never resting. The form of this city of 910,000 largely follows public transportation corridors...
Category - Real cities
Real ecocities being created.
Changes Toward Ecocities
Cover Image: Mayor Humberto Sanchez shakes my hand agreeing to proceed with working on an ecocity project adjacent his city of Sacaba, a sub city of Cochabamba, partnering with...
Mobility in Cairo’s Informal Areas التنقل في المناطق اللارسميةفي القاهرة
Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest urban center in Africa and the Middle East. It is the third largest metropolitan capital in the Muslim world after Jakarta and...
Biking the Bay Bridge
In 2013 the new span of the Bay Bridge opened. It’s design is breathtaking, both to view and travel along. The span has also gained notoriety for a plethora of problems...
The Beauty of Venice, or How to Be An Ecocity Without Trying
On my way to the Ecocity World Summit in Istanbul back in 2009 I decided to detour through Italy. My parents were living in Vicenza at the time, providing the perfect excuse for a...
In Montreal, being an ecocity means being in it together
A while back I visited Montreal to attend the Ecocity World Summit, a biannual gathering of visionaries from around the globe.
Saving our desert cities
The 20th United Nations Conference of Parties (COP) is taking place in Lima this week, with Ecocity Builders in attendance. Lima is an obvious choice to host this gathering...