I woke up yesterday thinking of the Greek myth of Sisyphus, the guy condemned to forever be struggling, pushing an enormous rock up the hill, only to see it break away and roll...
Category - Richard Register
Bigger Bay Ecotropolis
I think one of the most promising ideas for the Bay Area and cities everywhere would be a vision that weds the simple concept of 1.) building on artificial mounds of earth in a 2...
My Friend Sylvia
I hadn’t seen Sylvia in six months, the longest stretch in the last 20 years or more. Too much travel, followed by greatly reduced mobility – mine, because of sciatica. Man did it...
The Anthropocene vs. the Ecozoic
What about the long-term vision, not just for ecocities, necessary to any healthy vision of the future, but the longest term vision? For that we have to look to evolution. Most of...
And the Climate Solution is…
Not to sound like a television game show, and certainly not to offer a $64 billion dollar prize for the answer, as if money would do it all… but what is the best answer? That’s in...
Changes Toward Ecocities
Cover Image: Mayor Humberto Sanchez shakes my hand agreeing to proceed with working on an ecocity project adjacent his city of Sacaba, a sub city of Cochabamba, partnering with...
Two for us Locals – Rising Tides and Bay Bridge Steel
I’m a local. With the exception of a few million migratory folks with their animals and those recently displaced by war, poverty, expanding deserts and flooded valleys, we all...
From Shangri-La to Baku and Back
Winding up my series, Part Three, on the recent conference “Toward a New Paradigm in Human Development” held in Baku, Azerbaijan, April 30, 2015 I picked up Lost Horizon at...
The Paradigms We Live In: Nature’s paradigms and ours
The following essay appeared as two parts in the monthly newsletter of the California educational non-profit Ecocity Builders, the first for their April, 2015 edition and the...
Baku, Azerbaijan – A good Place for a “New Paradigm” conference
The “New Paradigm in Human Development Conference,” organized by the World Academy of Art and Science, will be in a place remarkable for hosting such an event for it was the first...