Cairo University Professor Dr. Sahar Attia and Associate Professor Dr. Heba Allah E. Khalil have...
Author - Sven Eberlein
Ecocity = Permacity?
If you’ve ever tried to grow anything in your garden you’ve probably had your share of unrealized...
The Beauty of Venice, or How to Be An Ecocity Without Trying
On my way to the Ecocity World Summit in Istanbul back in 2009 I decided to detour through Italy...
In Montreal, being an ecocity means being in it together
A while back I visited Montreal to attend the Ecocity World Summit, a biannual gathering of...
Pachamama Rumblings in Lima!
Yesterday the whole left brain greenhouse gas haggling exercise at the COP20 Climate Summit got a...
WARNING: Graphic Humor May Cause Severe Climate Change Awareness
So here I am, fresh off the proverbial boat to witness Week 2 of the United Nations Framework...
The People’s Climate March: From Sea to Rising Sea Level
Impressions from Northern California People’s Climate Rally Lake Merritt Amphitheater...
Understanding your city by understanding its flow: towards...
Everything is connected. As part of my work with the Ecocitizen World Map project (EWM) I’m...